Nutram S8 Sound Balanced Wellness large breed adult dog food. Chicken and oats. 11.3 kg.

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type of food: Croquettes
Format: 11.3kg
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Nutram S8 Sound Balanced Wellness® Natural Dog Food for Large Adult Dogs is a holistic, nutrient-dense, multi-benefit formula that improves your pet's wellness through nutrition. Our holistic approach focuses on improving digestion with a special combination of peppermint and chicory root. Chicory roots, a source of prebiotics that promote the multiplication of natural intestinal bacteria; peppermint which calms and soothes the entire digestive system, allowing your animals to completely optimize their digestive functions. We have added a blend of salmon oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and turmeric, a source of curcumin, which allows Nutram's optimal combinations to provide all the nutrients required to improve joint mobility. of your pet as well as anti-inflammatory properties. You can be confident that your pet's food is safe, beneficial and nutritious.

type of food: Croquettes
Format: 11.3kg